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Viral Marketing: What Makes Things Go Viral

Evgeniia Kazakova
June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024
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Key Takeaways

  • Emotional Appeal is Crucial: Content that evokes strong emotions is more likely to be shared and go viral.
  • Uniqueness and Creativity Matter: Unique and memorable content captures attention and encourages sharing.
  • Timely and Relevant Content Wins: Aligning content with current trends and events enhances its relevance and shareability.

How Flashfeed can help you

What Is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing seeks to spread information about a product or service from person to person by word of mouth or sharing via the Internet or email. The goal of viral marketing is to inspire individuals to share a marketing message with friends, family, and other individuals to create exponential growth in the number of its recipients.

Importance of Viral Marketing in the Business World

Viral marketing has become an essential tool for businesses to reach a wider audience and generate brand awareness. Here are some key reasons why viral marketing is crucial in the business world:

  1. Increased Exposure: Viral marketing has the power to exponentially increase exposure for a brand or product. When a marketing message goes viral, it spreads rapidly across various online platforms, reaching a large number of people in a short period of time. This exposure can lead to an influx of new customers and potential business opportunities.
  1. Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional forms of marketing, it is often more cost-effective. Creating a viral campaign may not require a significant financial investment, as it relies on the power of social sharing and word of mouth. Companies can save on advertising costs while still gaining widespread attention and engagement.
  1. Build Brand Awareness: Viral content can help businesses build brand awareness and establish their presence in the market. When a marketing message goes viral, it creates a buzz around the brand, leading to increased visibility and recognition. This increased brand awareness can lead to higher customer trust and loyalty.
  1. Reach Targeted Audiences: With the ability to share content instantly and easily across social media platforms, businesses can specifically target their
  2. Enhance Customer Engagement: Viral marketing campaigns often involve interactive and shareable content, such as videos, quizzes, challenges, and contests. This type of content encourages customers to engage with the brand, share their experiences, and participate in discussions. Increased customer engagement not only strengthens the relationship between the brand and its customers but also helps gather valuable insights and feedback.

What makes things go viral?

Emotional Appeal

Viral content often evokes strong emotions in its audience. Whether it's laughter, awe, anger, or surprise, content that elicits a powerful emotional response is more likely to be shared. People are inclined to share content that resonates with them on a deep, emotional level. For instance, heartwarming videos of acts of kindness or humorous clips that make people laugh uncontrollably often go viral because they elicit strong emotions. The Ice Bucket Challenge is a prime example, where the emotional appeal of supporting a cause like lateral sclerosis (ALS) drove millions to participate and share their videos.

Unique and Memorable

Viral content tends to stand out from the crowd. It is usually something that hasn't been seen before or presented in a unique way. By offering a fresh and novel perspective, viral content is more likely to capture people's attention and stay in their minds. Unique and memorable content makes a lasting impression, making people more likely to share it with their social networks. Viral videos, creative memes, and unexpected marketing stunts often exemplify this characteristic.


Content that is easy to share has a higher chance of going viral. This is why platforms like social media networks play a significant role in the success of viral marketing campaigns. The ability to quickly and effortlessly share content with friends, followers, and connections increases its potential to spread rapidly. User-generated content, which encourages individuals to create and share their own versions of a viral message, also enhances shareability and engagement.


Viral content often taps into current trends, events, or cultural moments, making it highly relevant to the audience. By aligning with what's happening in the world or within specific communities, content becomes more relatable and timely. For example, marketing teams often capitalize on trending hashtags, viral challenges, or major events to craft messages that resonate with the current zeitgeist. This relevancy boosts the content's appeal and encourages more shares.

Methods and Metrics in Viral Marketing

To effectively harness the power of viral marketing for various marketing purposes, it's crucial to employ the right methods and metrics. These tools help in creating, monitoring, and evaluating viral marketing campaigns, ensuring they reach their maximum potential.


  1. Content Creation: The foundation of any viral marketing campaign is compelling content. Craft emotionally resonant, unique, and shareable marketing content that appeals to potential customers. Utilize high-quality visuals, engaging narratives, and innovative ideas to enhance virality.
  2. Influencer Collaboration: Partnering with influencers and celebrities can amplify the reach of a viral campaign. Influencers have established credibility and a broad audience base, making them ideal for promoting viral content.
  3. User-Generated Content: Encourage users to create and share their own content related to the campaign. This boosts engagement and spread, leveraging the creativity and network of the audience, increasing the campaign's organic reach.
  4. Social Media Optimization: Ensure that the content is optimized for various social media networks. Use appropriate hashtags, engaging captions, and platform-specific features (like Instagram Stories or TikTok challenges) to enhance visibility and shareability.
  5. Email Marketing: Craft catchy and engaging emails that encourage recipients to share the content with their contacts. Email marketing can be particularly effective in reaching a targeted audience with personalized messages.
  6. Interactive Campaigns: Create interactive elements such as quizzes, challenges, or games to engage users and encourage them to share the experience with others. Interactive campaigns often have higher engagement rates and can spread more quickly.
  7. Seeding Strategy: Carefully plan the initial distribution of the content to key influencers, blogs, and media outlets to generate initial traction and visibility. A well-executed seeding strategy can set the stage for viral growth.


To evaluate the effectiveness of viral marketing activities, several key metrics should be tracked:

  1. Reach: Measures how many people have seen the content. High reach indicates that the content is spreading widely across different platforms.
  2. Shares: The number of times the content has been shared is a direct indicator of its viral potential. Shares reflect how much the audience is engaging with and disseminating the content.
  3. Engagement: Includes likes, comments, retweets, and other forms of interaction. High engagement rates indicate that the content is resonating with the audience.
  4. Conversion Rate: Tracks the percentage of viewers who take a desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or participating in a challenge. High conversion rates demonstrate the campaign's effectiveness in driving specific outcomes.
  5. Virality Rate: Measures the number of new viewers generated by each person who shares the content. A high virality rate indicates that the content is not just being shared, but that each share is leading to further shares.
  6. Traffic: Monitoring website or landing page traffic generated by the campaign can provide insights into its effectiveness in driving visitors to specific destinations.
  7. Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing the sentiment of the comments and feedback provides insights into how the audience perceives the content. Positive sentiment indicates a favorable reception, while negative sentiment may highlight areas for improvement.
  8. ROI (Return on Investment): Calculating the ROI of a viral marketing campaign involves comparing the campaign's costs with the financial benefits it generated. This metric helps in assessing the overall effectiveness and profitability of the campaign.

By understanding and implementing these methods and metrics, company marketers can create effective viral marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience, drive engagement, and achieve their marketing objectives. Whether working with an advertising agency or an in-house marketing team, using an integrated framework can help plan and execute successful viral marketing strategies that fit seamlessly into the daily lives of potential customers, ultimately increasing market share and sales.

Case Studies: Viral Marketing Examples

The Ice Bucket Challenge

The Ice Bucket Challenge is one of the most successful viral marketing campaigns in recent history. This viral campaign aimed to raise awareness and funds for ALS research. Participants would dump a bucket of ice water over their heads, share the video on social media, and challenge others to do the same. The campaign's success was driven by its emotional appeal, shareability, and the involvement of high-profile celebrities, which significantly increased its reach and impact. The Ice Bucket Challenge not only raised millions for ALS research but also showcased the power of viral marketing in driving social change.

Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like"

Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign is another iconic example of viral marketing. The campaign featured humorous and memorable videos starring actor Isaiah Mustafa, which quickly gained popularity on social media. The unique and engaging content led to a significant increase in sales and market share for Old Spice, demonstrating the effectiveness of viral advertising in boosting brand visibility and customer engagement.

How Do You Make Money If Your Video Goes Viral?

Creating viral videos can be an exciting venture, but it's also important to understand how these viral hits can translate into monetary gains. Here are some ways you can make money if your video goes viral:

  1. Ad Revenue: Platforms like YouTube and Facebook allow content creators to monetize their videos through ads. When your video goes viral, it attracts a large number of views, which can lead to significant ad revenue. Joining ad programs like YouTube's Partner Program can enable you to earn money based on the number of views and ad interactions.
  2. Sponsorship and Brand Deals: Brands often seek out viral content creators for sponsorship opportunities. If your video aligns with a brand’s image or products, you may receive offers for paid partnerships or endorsements. This can be a lucrative source of income as brands are willing to pay for access to your large audience.
  3. Merchandise Sales: Viral videos can help you build a strong personal brand. Leveraging this popularity, you can create and sell merchandise such as T-shirts, mugs, or other branded items. Platforms like Shopify and Teespring make it easy to set up an online store and sell directly to your fans.
  4. Crowdfunding and Donations: If your viral content has a strong fanbase, you can use crowdfunding platforms like Patreon, Ko-fi, or GoFundMe to solicit donations from your viewers. Offering exclusive content or perks in exchange for donations can incentivize your audience to support you financially.
  5. Affiliate Marketing: Incorporate affiliate marketing into your viral videos by promoting products or services and including affiliate links in the video description. Each time a viewer clicks on the link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.
  6. Licensing Fees: If your video goes viral, media outlets, TV shows, and websites might want to use it. Licensing your content for use in commercials, news segments, or other media can generate significant income. Platforms like Jukin Media can help facilitate these licensing deals.
  7. Subscription Services: Encourage your viral video viewers to subscribe to a premium content service you offer. This can include exclusive videos, behind-the-scenes footage, or other special perks that only paying subscribers can access.

Why Is Transparency So Important in Viral Marketing?

Transparency plays a critical role in viral marketing for several reasons:

  1. Builds Trust: Transparency helps build trust with your audience. When viewers believe that a brand or content creator is honest and open, they are more likely to engage with and share the content. Trust is a foundational element for creating strong customer relationships and loyalty.
  2. Enhances Credibility: Being transparent about your intentions, affiliations, and sponsorships enhances your credibility. Audiences are more savvy than ever and can often detect insincerity. Clear communication about any partnerships or promotional content helps maintain your reputation and credibility.
  3. Encourages Authenticity: Transparency encourages authenticity, which is a key component of successful viral content. Authentic content resonates more deeply with audiences, making them more likely to share and engage with it. Authenticity fosters genuine connections and emotional responses, which are crucial for virality.
  4. Complies with Regulations: Regulatory bodies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) require disclosure of sponsored content and paid partnerships. Transparency ensures that you comply with these regulations, avoiding potential legal issues and fines. Clearly disclosing sponsored content protects both the creator and the brand from regulatory scrutiny.
  5. Improves Customer Relationships: Transparent communication helps build stronger customer relationships. When a brand is open about its practices, values, and products, it fosters a sense of honesty and integrity. This openness can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  6. Prevents Backlash: Lack of transparency can lead to backlash and negative publicity. If audiences feel misled or deceived, they are likely to react negatively, which can damage your brand’s reputation and hinder future marketing efforts. Being upfront about your intentions and affiliations helps avoid such situations.
  7. Promotes Ethical Marketing Practices: Transparency aligns with ethical marketing practices. Ethical marketing builds a positive image for the brand and sets a standard for others in the industry to follow. By being transparent, brands demonstrate their commitment to ethical conduct and social responsibility.

Viral Marketing Strategy

To develop a successful marketing strategy that will go viral, it's essential to integrate various elements that enhance the potential for content to go viral. This includes understanding the target audience, creating emotionally compelling and shareable content, and leveraging social media networks for distribution. Marketing teams should also monitor trends and be prepared to capitalize on timely opportunities to make their content more relevant and engaging.

Viral Marketing Campaign Planning

Effective viral marketing campaign planning involves several steps:

  1. Identify Goals: Clearly define the objectives, whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or promoting a cause.
  2. Understand the Audience: Research the target audience to understand their preferences, behaviors, and emotional triggers.
  3. Create Compelling Content: Develop content that is unique, emotionally resonant, and easily shareable.
  4. Leverage Influencers: Partner with influencers and celebrities who can amplify the reach of the campaign.
  5. Optimize for Social Media: Ensure the content is optimized for sharing on various social media platforms.
  6. Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the campaign's performance and make adjustments as needed to maximize impact.

Academic Insights

Research in the field of viral marketing provides valuable insights into its effectiveness and best practices. Studies published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing and Business Horizons highlight the importance of emotional appeal, social sharing mechanisms, and the role of influencers in spreading viral content. Additionally, books like Viral Marketing – Establishing Customer Relationships and Internet-Induced Marketing Techniques by Business Expert Press offer practical guidance on leveraging viral marketing for business success.


Viral marketing is a powerful tool for reaching a wide audience and achieving marketing objectives. By understanding the key factors that contribute to virality—emotional appeal, uniqueness, shareability, and relevancy—marketers can create effective campaigns that resonate with their audience and drive significant results. Whether it's through viral videos, user-generated content, or timely social media posts, the potential for increased brand visibility, customer engagement, and sales growth makes viral marketing an essential component of a comprehensive marketing strategy.

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